Source code for pythonflow.core

# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# pylint: enable=missing-docstring
# Copyright 2017 Spotify AB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import builtins
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import importlib
import operator
import threading
import traceback
import uuid

from .util import _noop_callback

[docs]class Graph: """ Data flow graph constituting a directed acyclic graph of operations. """ def __init__(self): self.operations = {} self.dependencies = [] _globals = threading.local() def __enter__(self): assert getattr(self._globals, 'default_graph', None) is None, \ "cannot have more than one default graph" Graph._globals.default_graph = self return self def __exit__(self, *args): assert self._globals.default_graph is self Graph._globals.default_graph = None
[docs] def normalize_operation(self, operation): # pylint:disable=W0621 """ Normalize an operation by resolving its name if necessary. Parameters ---------- operation : Operation or str Operation instance or name of an operation. Returns ------- normalized_operation : Operation Operation instance. Raises ------ ValueError If `operation` is not an `Operation` instance or an operation name. RuntimeError If `operation` is an `Operation` instance but does not belong to this graph. KeyError If `operation` is an operation name that does not match any operation of this graph. """ if isinstance(operation, Operation): if operation.graph is not self: raise RuntimeError(f"operation '{operation}' does not belong to this graph") return operation if isinstance(operation, str): return self.operations[operation] raise ValueError(f"'{operation}' is not an `Operation` instance or operation name")
[docs] def normalize_context(self, context, **kwargs): """ Normalize a context by replacing all operation names with operation instances. .. note:: This function modifies the context in place. Use :code:`context=context.copy()` to avoid the context being modified. Parameters ---------- context : dict[Operation or str, object] Context whose keys are operation instances or names. kwargs : dict[str, object] Additional context information keyed by variable name. Returns ------- normalized_context : dict[Operation, object] Normalized context whose keys are operation instances. Raises ------ ValueError If the context specifies more than one value for any operation. ValueError If `context` is not a mapping. """ if context is None: context = {} elif not isinstance(context, collections.Mapping): raise ValueError("`context` must be a mapping.") operations = list(context) for operation in operations: # pylint:disable=W0621 value = context.pop(operation) operation = self.normalize_operation(operation) if operation in context: raise ValueError(f"duplicate value for operation '{operation}'") context[operation] = value # Add the keyword arguments for name, value in kwargs.items(): operation = self.operations[name] if operation in context: raise ValueError(f"duplicate value for operation '{operation}'") context[operation] = value return context
[docs] def apply(self, fetches, context=None, *, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Evaluate one or more operations given a context. .. note:: This function modifies the context in place. Use :code:`context=context.copy()` to avoid the context being modified. Parameters ---------- fetches : list[str or Operation] or str or Operation One or more `Operation` instances or names to evaluate. context : dict or None Context in which to evaluate the operations. callback : callable or None Callback to be evaluated when an operation is evaluated. kwargs : dict Additional context information keyed by variable name. Returns ------- values : tuple[object] Output of the operations given the context. Raises ------ ValueError If `fetches` is not an `Operation` instance, operation name, or a sequence thereof. ValueError If `context` is not a mapping. """ if isinstance(fetches, (str, Operation)): fetches = [fetches] single = True elif isinstance(fetches, collections.Sequence): single = False else: raise ValueError("`fetches` must be an `Operation` instance, operation name, or a " "sequence thereof.") fetches = [self.normalize_operation(operation) for operation in fetches] context = self.normalize_context(context, **kwargs) values = [fetch.evaluate_operation(fetch, context, callback=callback) for fetch in fetches] return values[0] if single else tuple(values)
__call__ = apply def __getitem__(self, name): return self.operations[name]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_active_graph(graph=None): """ Obtain the currently active graph instance by returning the explicitly given graph or using the default graph. Parameters ---------- graph : Graph or None Graph to return or `None` to use the default graph. Raises ------ ValueError If no `Graph` instance can be obtained. """ graph = graph or Graph._globals.default_graph if not graph: raise ValueError("`graph` must be given explicitly or a default graph must be set") return graph
[docs]class EvaluationError(RuntimeError): """ Failed to evaluate an operation. """
[docs]class Operation: # pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods,too-many-instance-attributes """ Base class for operations. Parameters ---------- args : tuple Positional arguments passed to the `_evaluate` method. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to the `_evaluate` method. length : int or None Optional number of values returned by the operation. The length only needs to be specified if the operation should support iterable [unpacking]( graph : Graph or None Data flow graph for this operation or `None` to use the default graph. name : str or None Name of the operation or `None` to use a random, unique identifier. dependencies : list Explicit sequence of operations to evaluate before evaluating this operation. """ def __init__(self, *args, length=None, graph=None, name=None, dependencies=None, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.length = length self.graph = Graph.get_active_graph(graph) # Choose a name for the operation and add the operation to the graph self._name = None = name or uuid.uuid4().hex # Get a list of all dependencies relevant to this operation self.dependencies = [] if dependencies is None else dependencies self.dependencies.extend(self.graph.dependencies) # Get the stack context so we can report where the operation was defined self._stack = traceback.extract_stack() def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, data): self.__dict__.update(data) @property def name(self): """str : Unique name of the operation""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): self.set_name(name)
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """ Set the name of the operation and update the graph. Parameters ---------- value : str Unique name of the operation. Returns ------- self : Operation This operation. Raises ------ ValueError If an operation with `value` already exists in the associated graph. KeyError If the current name of the operation cannot be found in the associated graph. """ if name in self.graph.operations: raise ValueError(f"duplicate name '{name}'") if self._name is not None: self.graph.operations.pop(self._name) self.graph.operations[name] = self self._name = name return self
[docs] def evaluate_dependencies(self, context, callback=None): """ Evaluate the dependencies of this operation and discard the values. Parameters ---------- context : dict Normalised context in which to evaluate the operation. callback : callable or None Callback to be evaluated when an operation is evaluated. """ for operation in self.dependencies: operation.evaluate(context, callback)
[docs] def evaluate(self, context, callback=None): """ Evaluate the operation given a context. Parameters ---------- context : dict Normalised context in which to evaluate the operation. callback : callable or None Callback to be evaluated when an operation is evaluated. Returns ------- value : object Output of the operation given the context. """ # Evaluate all explicit dependencies first self.evaluate_dependencies(context, callback) if self in context: return context[self] # Evaluate the parents partial = functools.partial(self.evaluate_operation, context=context, callback=callback) args = [partial(arg) for arg in self.args] kwargs = {key: partial(value) for key, value in self.kwargs.items()} # Evaluate the operation callback = callback or _noop_callback with callback(self, context): context[self] = value = self._evaluate(*args, **kwargs) return value
def _evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Inheriting operations should implement this function to evaluate the operation. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def evaluate_operation(cls, operation, context, **kwargs): """ Evaluate an operation or constant given a context. """ try: if isinstance(operation, Operation): return operation.evaluate(context, **kwargs) partial = functools.partial(cls.evaluate_operation, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(operation, tuple): return tuple(partial(element) for element in operation) if isinstance(operation, list): return [partial(element) for element in operation] if isinstance(operation, dict): return {partial(key): partial(value) for key, value in operation.items()} if isinstance(operation, slice): return slice(*[partial(getattr(operation, attr)) for attr in ['start', 'stop', 'step']]) return operation except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover stack = [] interactive = False for frame in reversed(operation._stack): # pylint: disable=protected-access # Do not capture any internal stack traces if 'pythonflow' in frame.filename: continue # Stop tracing at the last interactive cell if interactive and not frame.filename.startswith('<'): break # pragma: no cover interactive = frame.filename.startswith('<') stack.append(frame) stack = "".join(traceback.format_list(reversed(stack))) message = "Failed to evaluate operation `%s` defined at:\n\n%s" % (operation, stack) raise ex from EvaluationError(message)
def __bool__(self): return True def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __len__(self): if self.length is None: raise TypeError('`length` must be specified explicitly for operations') return self.length def __iter__(self): num = len(self) for i in range(num): yield self[i] # pylint: disable= def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr_(self, name, graph=self.graph) def __getitem__(self, key): return getitem(self, key, graph=self.graph) def __add__(self, other): return add(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __radd__(self, other): return add(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __sub__(self, other): return sub(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rsub__(self, other): return sub(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __pow__(self, other): return pow_(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rpow__(self, other): return pow_(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __mul__(self, other): return mul(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __matmul__(self, other): return matmul(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rmatmul__(self, other): return matmul(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __rmul__(self, other): return mul(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __truediv__(self, other): return truediv(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return truediv(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __floordiv__(self, other): return floordiv(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return floordiv(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __mod__(self, other): return mod(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rmod__(self, other): return mod(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __lshift__(self, other): return lshift(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rlshift__(self, other): return lshift(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __rshift__(self, other): return rshift(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rrshift__(self, other): return rshift(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __and__(self, other): return and_(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rand__(self, other): return and_(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __or__(self, other): return or_(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __ror__(self, other): return or_(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __xor__(self, other): return xor(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __rxor__(self, other): return xor(other, self, graph=self.graph) def __lt__(self, other): return lt(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __le__(self, other): return le(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __eq__(self, other): return eq(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __ne__(self, other): return ne(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __gt__(self, other): return gt(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __ge__(self, other): return ge(self, other, graph=self.graph) def __invert__(self): return inv(self, graph=self.graph) def __neg__(self): return neg(self, graph=self.graph) def __abs__(self): return abs_(self, graph=self.graph) def __pos__(self): return pos(self, graph=self.graph) def __reversed__(self): return reversed_(self, graph=self.graph) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return call(self, *args, **kwargs)
# pylint: enable=
[docs]class func_op(Operation): # pylint: disable=C0103,R0903 """ Operation wrapper for stateless functions. Parameters ---------- target : callable function to evaluate the operation args : tuple positional arguments passed to the target kwargs : dict keywoard arguments passed to the target """ def __init__(self, target, *args, **kwargs): super(func_op, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = target def _evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return "<pf.func_op '%s' target=%s args=<%d items> kwargs=<%d items>>" % \ (,, len(self.args), len(self.kwargs))
[docs]def opmethod(target=None, **kwargs): """ Decorator for creating operations from functions. """ # This is called when the decorator is used with arguments if target is None: return functools.partial(opmethod, **kwargs) # This is called when the decorator is used without arguments @functools.wraps(target) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs_inner): return func_op(target, *args, **kwargs_inner, **kwargs) return _wrapper
[docs]@opmethod def call(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Call `func` with positional arguments `args` and keyword arguments `kwargs`. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function to call when the operation is executed. args : list Sequence of positional arguments passed to `func`. kwargs : dict Mapping of keyword arguments passed to `func`. """ return func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def control_dependencies(dependencies, graph=None): """ Ensure that all `dependencies` are executed before any operations in this scope. Parameters ---------- dependencies : list Sequence of operations to be evaluted before evaluating any operations defined in this scope. """ # Add dependencies to the graph graph = Graph.get_active_graph(graph) graph.dependencies.extend(dependencies) yield # Remove dependencies from the graph del graph.dependencies[-len(dependencies):]
# pylint: disable=C0103 abs_ = opmethod(builtins.abs) dict_ = opmethod(builtins.dict) help_ = opmethod( min_ = opmethod(builtins.min) setattr_ = opmethod(builtins.setattr) all_ = opmethod(builtins.all) dir_ = opmethod(builtins.dir) hex_ = opmethod(builtins.hex) next_ = opmethod( slice_ = opmethod(builtins.slice) any_ = opmethod(builtins.any) divmod_ = opmethod(builtins.divmod) id_ = opmethod( object_ = opmethod(builtins.object) sorted_ = opmethod(builtins.sorted) ascii_ = opmethod(builtins.ascii) enumerate_ = opmethod(builtins.enumerate) input_ = opmethod(builtins.input) oct_ = opmethod(builtins.oct) staticmethod_ = opmethod(builtins.staticmethod) bin_ = opmethod(builtins.bin) eval_ = opmethod(builtins.eval) int_ = opmethod( open_ = opmethod( str_ = opmethod(builtins.str) bool_ = opmethod(builtins.bool) exec_ = opmethod(builtins.exec) isinstance_ = opmethod(builtins.isinstance) ord_ = opmethod(builtins.ord) sum_ = opmethod(builtins.sum) bytearray_ = opmethod(builtins.bytearray) filter_ = opmethod(builtins.filter) issubclass_ = opmethod(builtins.issubclass) pow_ = opmethod(builtins.pow) super_ = opmethod(builtins.super) bytes_ = opmethod(builtins.bytes) float_ = opmethod(builtins.float) iter_ = opmethod(builtins.iter) print_ = opmethod(builtins.print) tuple_ = opmethod(builtins.tuple) callable_ = opmethod(builtins.callable) format_ = opmethod(builtins.format) len_ = opmethod(builtins.len) property_ = opmethod( type_ = opmethod(builtins.type) chr_ = opmethod(builtins.chr) frozenset_ = opmethod(builtins.frozenset) list_ = opmethod(builtins.list) range_ = opmethod(builtins.range) vars_ = opmethod(builtins.vars) classmethod_ = opmethod(builtins.classmethod) getattr_ = opmethod(builtins.getattr) locals_ = opmethod(builtins.locals) repr_ = opmethod(builtins.repr) zip_ = opmethod( compile_ = opmethod(builtins.compile) globals_ = opmethod(builtins.globals) map_ = opmethod( reversed_ = opmethod(builtins.reversed) complex_ = opmethod(builtins.complex) hasattr_ = opmethod(builtins.hasattr) max_ = opmethod(builtins.max) round_ = opmethod(builtins.round) delattr_ = opmethod(builtins.delattr) hash_ = opmethod(builtins.hash) memoryview_ = opmethod(builtins.memoryview) set_ = opmethod(builtins.set) add = opmethod(operator.add) and_ = opmethod(operator.and_) attrgetter = opmethod(operator.attrgetter) concat = opmethod(operator.concat) contains = opmethod(operator.contains) countOf = opmethod(operator.countOf) delitem = opmethod(operator.delitem) eq = opmethod(operator.eq) floordiv = opmethod(operator.floordiv) ge = opmethod( getitem = opmethod(operator.getitem) gt = opmethod( index = opmethod(operator.index) indexOf = opmethod(operator.indexOf) inv = opmethod(operator.inv) invert = opmethod(operator.invert) ior = opmethod(operator.ior) ipow = opmethod(operator.ipow) irshift = opmethod(operator.irshift) is_ = opmethod(operator.is_) is_not = opmethod(operator.is_not) itemgetter = opmethod(operator.itemgetter) le = opmethod(operator.le) length_hint = opmethod(operator.length_hint) lshift = opmethod(operator.lshift) lt = opmethod( matmul = opmethod(operator.matmul) methodcaller = opmethod(operator.methodcaller) mod = opmethod(operator.mod) mul = opmethod(operator.mul) ne = opmethod( neg = opmethod(operator.neg) not_ = opmethod(operator.not_) or_ = opmethod(operator.or_) pos = opmethod(operator.pos) rshift = opmethod(operator.rshift) setitem = opmethod(operator.setitem) sub = opmethod(operator.sub) truediv = opmethod(operator.truediv) truth = opmethod(operator.truth) xor = opmethod(operator.xor) import_ = opmethod(importlib.import_module) # pylint: enable=C0103