Installation of Pythonflow

This section guides you through the installation of Pythonflow, which only supports python 3.

Installation for users

You can install Pythonflow from the command line like so.

$ pip install pythonflow

If you don’t have pip installed, have a look at this guide.

Installation for developers

If you want to contribute to Pythonflow, we recommend you fork the GitHub repository of Pythonflow and clone your fork like so.

$ git clone<your username>/pythonflow.git

Next, create a virtual environment or set up a Conda environment and install Pythonflow in development mode like so.

$ pip install -e /path/to/your/clone/of/pythonflow

Testing your installation

To make sure your local installation of Pythonflow works as expected (and to make sure your changes don’t break a test when you submit a pull request), you can run Pythonflow’s unit tests. First, install the requirements needed for tests like so.

$ pip install -r requirements/test.txt

Then run the tests like so.

$ pylint pythonflow
$ py.test --cov --cov-fail-under=100 --cov-report=term-missing

We have also provided a Makefile so you don’t have to remember the commands for testing and you can run the following instead.

$ make tests

For more details on how to contribute, have a look at GitHub’s developer guide and make sure you have read our guidelines for contributing.

Building the documentation

If you want to see what the documentation of your local changes looks like, first install the requirements needed for compiling it like so.

$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Then compile the documentation like so.

$ make docs